Specialties we liaise with:

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is the branch of dentistry that deals with simple extractions of teeth to complex treatments such as placement of dental implants. For large and complex treatments, Surgeons and Prosthodontists plan and carry out the treatment as a team. Implant surgery is an important branch of dentistry that requires careful planning. Implantology involves multiple specialties, all of which have come under one roof at our centre to be carefully planned and executed.

Endodontic Treatment

When a tooth is infected or has extensive dental caries extending into the pulp/ nerve chamber, the nerve has to be removed and nerve canal/s filled with an inert material. This is referred to as root canal treatment/ endodontic treatment. This treatment is not always straightforward. Complex and curved canals often present challenging scenarios which are best treated by a Specialist Endodontist. At Melbourne East Prosthodontics, we work closely with Endodontists to help patients with these treatments.

Periodontal Treatment

Periodontium is the tissue surrounding and supporting teeth. An unhealthy periodontium can result in poor support, loose teeth and eventual loss of teeth. Periodontal treatment is performed by local Periodontists who work closely with our practice to bring you the best care possible. Implants in aesthetically challenging areas (such as the upper front part of the jaws) are carefully planned and placed by Periodontists to achieve near-perfect aesthetic outcomes.

Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks.