Are you looking for a way to conceal a crack in one of your teeth? Or have you had enough of whitening gels and are looking for something a bit more longer lasting?

As cosmetic dental techniques have advanced, more people than ever have been looking for a more versatile procedure that offers multiple benefits in one dental treatment.

And as cosmetic dental care has progressed, there is now a way to whiten your teeth, conceal cracks and help with dental sensitivity; dental veneers.

At Melbourne East Prosthodontics, we are proud to be able to offer this type of cosmetic dentistry Kew Melbourne. One of the most versatile of all dental procedures, it encompasses all of the benefits of whitening with the hardiness of fillings and the preventive nature of fluoride sealants. So, if you are looking for a way to whiten your teeth while also concealing cracks, talk to our friendly team about dental veneers.

But before you rush to book yourself in for them, you will probably want to know more about this type of cosmetic dentistry Kew Melbourne. Read on for our brief guide.

What are dental veneers?

Also known as dental laminates and porcelain veneers, dental veneers are a thin, white covering that is placed over the front of your teeth and held in place with a dental cement.

They are crafted to match the shape of the tooth they are covering specifically, and once placed, they can last for up to 20 years. So, they are also one of the longer-lasting forms of cosmetic dentistry Kew Melbourne.

What can they correct?

They can be used to correct issues with stains, conceal cracks and chips, while also being used to prevent problems with sensitivity.

In certain instances, they are used in conjunction with other treatments, such as root canals, to strengthen the tooth after certain procedures.

How are they fitted?

When you come to our team for dental veneers, we will gently sand the front of your tooth and we will place a resin-based dental cement to the surface (it has to be rough or the cement won’t grip!).

Then, we place the veneer over the cement, wait for it to dry and with no fuss your veneers are fitted. No needles, no numbing injections or anaesthetics; just a minor abrasion to the enamel and it is done!

How long do they last?

Provided that they are fitted correctly, your new veneers can and should last for up to 15 years.

Aside from being stain resistant, they are also hardy, so you will be able to bite into tougher foods like apples without issue.

Of course, if your veneer(s) fall off prematurely, we will be more than happy to reattach them for you.

Do they need specia aftercare?

Not really; just keep an eye out for issues such as gum disease which can cause dental veneers to fall off, but good oral hygiene should mean they last a good while.

Just clean them as you would your normal teeth and see our team biannually for check-ups. Simple!


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.