Do you tend to cover your mouth with your hand when you are talking, or keep your mouth closed when you smile during photographs?

Is this due to concerns you have over your teeth not being white enough, minor gaps or issues with staining which you have not been able to resolve with traditional dental whitening?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, please read on!

There is now a way to resolve problems with the aesthetic of your smile (depending on the severity) with a treatment known as porcelain or dental veneers.

At Melbourne East Prosthodontics, our dentist Kew has been using veneers for many years to improve the smiles of our patients, removing the need for more invasive treatments such as braces or extensive dental whitening. And best of all, the fitting of veneers is completely comfortable and you will not require anaesthetic or numbing!

Does this sound too good to be true? Our dentist Kew provides a list below of the other advantages that can be gained from having veneers fitted.


As we mentioned before, one of the advantages of having veneers fitted by our dentist Kew is that they resolve issues surrounding whitening.

As veneers are made of porcelain, they can be matched to the colour you want and depending on how many are being fitted, they can completely transform your smile. As we also mentioned before, there is no bleaching involved and the fitting of the veneers simply involves a minor sanding of the front of the tooth, the application of dental cement and then pressing the veneers on. It is that simple!

Structurally beneficial

You may be curious as to how structurally sound a porcelain veneer is? After all, everybody has at one point in their life dropped a cup or plate made of porcelain and watched it shatter.

But when applied to the teeth, porcelain veneers are incredibly sturdy and can be used to support teeth that have become structurally weakened due to either a root canal or an extensive crown.

We promise that the veneers will not shatter but if they do crack or chip, please contact our team and we will be happy to refit them.

Sensitivity reduction

If you are looking to have your teeth whitened but have issues surrounding dental sensitivity, the idea of bleaching may sound incredibly uncomfortable.

Veneers do not require bleach to help whiten the teeth and can protect sensitive teeth from further twinges when you are drinking hot tea or eating ice cream. That is assuming that the sensitivity you experience with your tooth is caused by microscopic holes in the enamel exposing the pulp to air rather than decay or another underlying issue.


Veneers can be used to whiten your teeth but they can also be used in a similar way to composite bonding by closing gaps in between teeth if they are minor, creating a more aligned smile with instant whitening. Great!

Stain resistant

And finally, a key advantage of having veneers fitted is that long-term, even when compared to natural enamel, they are stain-resistant.

This is because porcelain is not as porous as enamel and so, staining is less likely to occur. So you can keep that whiter smile for longer!


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.