Want to know more about dental implants?

At Melbourne East Prosthodontics, offering cosmetic dentistry Kew Melbourne, our leading prosthodontist Dr Kirthi Kosalram is happy to be able to offer her patients every suitable cosmetic dental option available, from teeth whitening to dental implants.

But as is the way with cosmetic dentistry Kew Melbourne, and especially with dental implants, many of our patients have questions. Here, Dr Kosalram answers 5 of the most common questions that we receive about dental implants, so read on and enjoy!

Do dental implants hurt?

As one of the more popular options for cosmetic dentistry Kew Melbourne, many patients have concerns that the fitting of dental implants will be painful.

However, before fitting your implant(s), the area will be numbed with a local anaesthetic. Once they have been fitted, it is recommended that you use over the counter pain relief at home to manage the soreness, which resembles that of an oral extraction.

If you notice that the discomfort is worsening or is not improving post-fitting, then please contact the clinic.

Will the implant be rejected by my body?

When you have surgery that requires the use of surgical pins, the pins that are used are made from titanium. This is because titanium is a biologically inert metal that is unlikely to be rejected by the body.

Luckily, oral implants are made from the same material, and so any rejection of them from your body is likely to be rare. If you suspect that your implants are being rejected, however, please contact the clinic for an assessment.

Can I still fly after having implants fitted?

Yes, you can!

There has been a somewhat persistent myth that dental implants can set off metal detectors and thus will prevent you from being able to fly. However, as dental implants are made from titanium, they will not be detected during the metal detector sweep before you board your flight and so, they will not impact your ability to travel.

Will I get an infection?

It is highly unlikely that you will develop an infection from having dental implants fitted, provided that you stick to the aftercare that we recommend.

However, for the sake of clarity, signs of infection post-dental implant fitting include discomfort, redness, swelling, discolouration of the gum (blueing, purple and yellowing), alongside fever, feeling unwell and swollen lymph nodes.

If you experience any of these symptoms after having dental implants fitted, please contact the clinic and seek immediate medical attention.

How long do implants last?

On average, with correct aftercare, hygiene and dental check-ups, dental implants can last up to and over 15 years.

The main thing to keep an eye out for concerning dental implants is gum disease, which should be picked up by Dr Kosalram if you attend biannual check-ups. If left untreated, gum disease can cause teeth to become loose and fall out. Another factor that can negatively impact the longevity of your dental implants is if you smoke. This will heighten the chances of you developing gum recession which can once again, be linked to teeth falling out and is not exclusive to natural teeth.


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.