When you have sensitive teeth, it can feel difficult to have them whitened using traditional methods.

After all, most dental whitening procedures involve painting oxidising gels onto the teeth, which can heighten sensitivity. And if you choose to use over-the-counter toothpaste and mouthwashes, the results can be very mixed, with many stained teeth not improving at all.

Is there a way to whiten your teeth without creating sensitivity issues? Yes, there is!

At Melbourne East Prosthodontics, we can provide all types of cosmetic dentistry in Kew Melbourne, including the fitting of porcelain veneers. Attached to the front of your teeth with dental cement, this procedure allows you to leave our surgery with whiter teeth in one sitting and also reduces sensitivity. Brilliant!

Curious to learn more about dental veneers? Read on!

What is involved in having dental veneers fitted?

Many people have concerns that cosmetic dentistry Kew Melbourne is going to be uncomfortable.

However, having dental veneers fitted is one of the most comfortable types of cosmetic dentistry Kew Melbourne that we offer. We will need to file down a small section at the front of your tooth, followed by the application of dental cement. Then, your veneers are fitted to the cement and that’s it!

Before this, our team will need to take a scan of your mouth to help get a more accurate shape designed of the veneers. Sent away to a laboratory, these images are then used to create a set of veneers that will only fit you and may be made from either porcelain, composite or a mixture of the two. This process itself can take up to four weeks to complete.

Who is suitable for having dental veneers?

Almost everyone!

However, they offer a longer lifespan to people who don’t smoke or drink excessively so if you have either of these habits, you may want to seek help before undertaking the fitting of veneers.

Cosmetically, veneers may be suited to those who have cracks, chips or staining or, as mentioned before, they can be used to conceal darkened or stained teeth (especially if your teeth are sensitive).

How long do they last?

Given proper care, dental veneers can last up to and over 15 years, with many patients reporting longer life spans.

Remember, lifestyle choices such as smoking and drinking can have adverse effects, so if you want your veneers to last, you should consider cessation options.

Do they need any specialist aftercare?

Not really, which is why they are so popular with our patients!

You will need to brush your teeth twice a day and stick to good oral hygiene, alongside seeing our regular dentist for check-ups, but apart from that they require no additional aftercare!

Aren’t they too expensive for most people to afford?

At a glance, it can seem that dental veneers may be out of your price range.

But our team at Melbourne East Prosthodontics can offer you a payment plan or financing options to help you spread the cost into affordable monthly chunks, for a treatment which will transform your smile.


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.