Searching for a dentist to cover your dental needs in both General Dentistry and Cosmetic Dentistry Kew, Melbourne?

When feeling apprehensive about your visits to the dental practice, whether your frequent check-up appointments or more focused appointments, it is important to feel at ease with the person working with you on your smile.

Having one dentist able to deliver a large percentage of your care can be extremely beneficial. This is why a visit to Melbourne East Prosthodontics in Kew can be a great idea.  We’re able to do most dental treatments in our surgery. By creating a small team, consisting of you and our team, can help put your mind at ease and transfer all your energy on creating better dental habits.

Our focus is on creating and maintaining a healthy, happy smile that you are proud of and so covering as many aspects of this process as possible is of the utmost importance to ensure we are working with you to the best of our ability.

Creating a smile you are proud of

When suffering from chipped or misshapen teeth, it can in some cases, negatively impact your self-esteem and the once confident smile can begin to falter. Whilst pain and discomfort may not go hand in hand with the damage, it is important to know the options available to restore your confidence in your magical smile. After all, the impact of a smile is extremely significant and can change the course of the day for both yourself and others, so this is not something we take lightly.

Understanding your options and if they are suited to you

A quick internet search can provide you with a variety of results on potential solutions to your dental problems, but the only way to narrow this down and understand which treatments or procedures are suitable for you, is to discuss your thoughts with your dental team.

Porcelain veneers are one solution which can impact the smile in numerous ways. This can often suit patients looking for a re-shaping of the tooth along with removing any stains which may have formed over the years. These small porcelain caps are bonded to the tooth and then shaped to fit in with the natural teeth surrounding the area. This form of Cosmetic Dentistry Kew, Melbourne can protect the natural tooth from further damage whilst creating a smile you can be proud of.

Or it may be that tooth loss has affected your smile and you are in need of some form of General Dentistry or Cosmetic Dentistry Kew, Melbourne. A fairly simple solution to tooth loss is having a dental implant fitted. Whether suffering from the loss of a single tooth or multiple teeth this small procedure can perfect the smile and create a positive and long lasting impact on the smile. This tooth loss solution is not necessarily suitable to every individual case and therefore a discussion with your dental team on this procedure will always take place before any decision can be made.

No matter what form of General Dentistry or Cosmetic Dentistry Kew, Melbourne required, we can help.  We look to work in partnership with you, to understand your needs and concerns in order to create a smile you’ve always wanted.

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.